Since our inception in 1910, St. John Baptist Church has continued to grow and spread the word throughout the San Antonio community. Our journey began at 119 West Olmos Dr., in the center of San Antonio, Texas, where St. John served as a neighborhood mainstay for the faith community for almost a century, while also leading the charge for community engagement and betterment during its tenure there. In 2006, St. John Baptist Church relocated to 6800 Evers Rd in Leon Valley. We are privileged that God continues to bless our church through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence. God has continued to work for our good (Romans 8:28).
God is a blessing, and as a body of believers, we are called to be a blessing to others. In 2016, we partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank to help meet the essential needs of our community, and in doing so, St. John has been able to feed over 22,000 individuals since the start of that partnership. In 2019, we partnered with Leon Valley Elementary School to open a food pantry, which provides food to children in need, and we also donate clothing, backpacks and classroom supplies.
God is still true to His Word when he says, “God makes all things work together for our good. Our prayer is that as a church we devote our hearts to God and His purpose. The world and our families need the infinite presence of God, along with His face and His mercy. God is still doing amazing things and St. John continues to serve as a vessel of hope and God’s love for the community.
Finally, thank you to the families and supporters of St. John Baptist Church. We are grateful for you trusting God and allowing our church to continue blessing others.